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More About Capital K Camping

Time to go camping. For those of you that came to previous camps... you know how much fun we had. Now it’s time for Capital K. 


The price for the camping weekend at Aird Farm is an affordable R460 per person.  This includes your camping cost, use of the pool, electricity (as long as you share our electrical point) and food by DHF Catering for the weekend:


Friday night’s supper ... 2 Boerewors Rolls, Beans and Pasta Salad.
Saturday breakfast ..........Bacon and egg Roll & Salads
Saturday lunch ....................Assorted cold meat on buns & salads.
Saturday Supper ...............Braai: Drumstick, a chicken kebab, wors                                & salads.
Sunday breakfast .............Bacon and eggs Roll & Salads
Coffee and tea.................. Available 24/7.


The entry fee into the dam on the day of the swim is not covered and can unfortunately range from R25 to R50 per person, set by the race organisers - not by us. Please make sure you have cash on you to cover the fee.


Supporters and friends can come and camp too - it is not just for the swimmers. Please let me know if you and how many others are joining us so we can make sure that you are catered for. Pack your tents and let’s party!


Payment for the camp must be made in full by the 18th November 2018 to secure your booking. The weekend in question is from Friday 30th November till Sunday 2nd December 2018. This is a fun and “chillacks” weekend and folks don’t have to rush to the dam at some silly hour and then drive straight back home again.


You will need the following to bring on camp with you:
Costume (that’s a Swimsuit in international English).
Towel (more than one in case it rains a lot).
Clothing for the weekend (bring something warm just in case).
Toiletries (soap, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrush etc).
Sleeping bag, pillow and foam or blow-up mattress.
Your Tent.
Plastic bags to put wet clothing into.
Camping chair or something to sit on.
Plate (paper ones are good if you don’t have plastic or don’t like washing dishes).
Knife, fork, and spoon.
Cup for coffee or tea.
Plastic cup for your cooldrink. 
Cooldrinks if you don’t want tea or coffee all the time.
Sweets and snacks if you want (remember sharing is caring especially with the chef and the coach!!!).
Money for entry fee (R50+) into the dam. 
Washing up liquid and sponge to clean your plates, cups, glasses, cutlery (you eat off it, you clean it, you dry it) .
No Minor (If you are still in school, you are one!) may bring alcohol – wine, beer, spirits – to the swim or campsite.
Please bring your happy attitudes and smiles as well 


See u at camp 

Remember keep your feet off the floor!! 
Mrs Melanie Visagie  ( 0716099153) 

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